Program and Project Management Services
Sewer Program Management
Wave Civil is currently providing program and project management services as part of the planning and engineering services for sanitary sewer contract at DC Water & Sewer Authority. On behalf of the program management team, Wave Civil leads multiple sanitary sewer planning and prioritization tasks and provides on-going project management support to the client.

Water Program Management
Wave Civil currently provides ongoing water program management services at the DC Water and Sewer Authority. Program management services include various planning, design, and various engineering support tasks. Wave Civil project managers lead and deliver various tasks to plan, design and construct water infrastructure projects and programs in the District of Columbia.
Water and Sewer Infrastructure Engineering Services

Wave Civil is currently involved in developing engineering design and construction documents for multiple water and sewer mains design projects for both public sector clients and private sector development projects.
Potomac River Tunnel Design-Build Project, DC Water and Sewer Authority
As the DBE teaming partner with the COWI/Hatch JV engineering team and Halmar/CBNA construction team, Wave Civil is currently providing site civil engineering, and maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans design at nine (9) locations along the alignment of the new Potomac River Tunnel, as part of DC Water's clean rivers program in the District of Columbia. As the site civil lead for this project, Wave Civil staff have prepared site layout and grading plans, erosion and sediment control plans, flood risk assessments, site restoration plans, storm drain layouts, profiles, computations and profiles, water main designs, and various other site civil design aspects. As the MOT design lead of this project, Wave Civil staff have developed multiple phase MOT plans for both daytime and nighttime work along various roadways within the District of Columbia. Wave Civil project managers are currently coordinating and delivering various construction packages as needed to complete the design per DC Water, DDOT, and DOEE standards.

Coal Landing Sewer Main Design, Department of Capital Construction, Stafford County
Wave Civil prepared construction documents for the replacement of existing 12” sanitary sewer main along Coal Landing Road in Stafford County, VA. Scope of work also included the preparation of sewer by-pass pumping plans, traffic control plans, erosion and sediment control plans, demolition of existing sewer main and associated construction specifications.

Site Upgrades for Potomac Sewer Pump Station, Department of Capital Construction, Stafford County

Wave Civil prepared construction documents for site upgrades & flood proofing at Potomac Sewer Pump Station in Stafford County, VA. Scope of work also included the preparation of site upgrade plans, knee-wall structural design plans, grading, erosion and sediment control plans and associated construction specifications.
Sweetbriar Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation, Department of Capital Construction, Stafford County
Wave Civil prepared construction documents for the replacement of existing sewer pump station with a new prefabricated smith and loveless wet well mounted pump station, replacement of the existing emergency generator, replacement of automatic transfer switch, electric service pane, telemetry panel enclosure, site grading and drainage improvements, erosion and sediment controls, new chain link fence and site access and various other site improvements.

Jewett Lane and Celebrate VA Parkway Watermains, Department of Capital Construction, Stafford County

Wave Civil is currently in the process of finalizing the design for multiple water main extensions along Jewett Lane and Celebrate VA Parkway in Stafford County, VA. Scope of work included design of 12” and 16” water mains, traffic control plans, erosion and sediment control plans, pavement restoration plans, easements acquisitions, trenchless design and associated specifications.